Woman eating a Veloforte Energy Gel

Energy Gel Alternatives That You’ll Actually Enjoy Using

If, like us, you’ve been searching for another way, you’ve come to the right place because we’ve rounded up some of the best energy gel alternatives for fuelling your efforts.
Veloforte bottle in beak ready to set off

Nutrition for Long Distance Cycling: Here’s What You Should Eat

Table of contents Important nutrients needed for long bike rides How many calories should you eat? What to eat the night before cycling long distance What to eat before cycling long distance What to eat...
Cycling Nutrition, Food & Diet: The Complete Guide

Cycling Nutrition, Food & Diet: The Complete Guide

As a passionate cyclist you'll know the importance of good nutrition but the wealth of information out there can be complicated, conflicting and confusing! We take it right back to the basics for a simple...
Cycling and drinking Veloforte bottle

Electrolyte Powder for Cycling: Tips and Best Drinks Guide

Table of contents What happens when you're dehydrated on a bike ride? How do you know when you should rehydrate? Other simple strategies you can use to monitor your hydration How much should you drink...
Long distance cycling

Long Distance Cycling: Tips and Training Guide

Table of contents 10 crucial tips for long distance cycling Training for long distance cycling What to pack for long distance bike rides What to eat for long distance cycling Why Veloforte? Are you ready...
Exercising with DOMS

Should You Be Exercising With DOMS?

Having sore muscles is no fun, but should you continue exercising with DOMS? Find out when it’s ok to keep working out and how to get rid of sore muscles ASAP!
A man on a turbo bike

20 Best Gifts for Cyclists in 2024

Cyclists are an interesting breed, and choosing cycling gifts can often seem tricky. Luckily the Veloforte team is full of avid riders, and we’ve pulled together their top picks for 2023. So whether you need...
An image of Veloforte's protein shaker in a gym

How to Speed Up Muscle Strain Recovery After Exercise

This article will guide you through the process of speeding up muscle strain recovery, from understanding the science behind muscle strains to preventing future injuries.
Swimmer aerobic endurance

What is Aerobic Endurance and How Do You Improve it?

Aerobic endurance is key for energy and stamina and does wonders to improve your athletic performance. Read the top tips on how to boost your endurance!