Man eating high energy snack for cycling

10 High Energy Snacks to Boost Your Performance

Your snack choices can make or break your exercise. Find out what high-energy snacks to nibble on to fight fatigue, fuel your muscles & boost your performance!
Fuelling after running

Nutrition for Long Distance Runners: Here’s What You Should Eat

When it comes to long distance running nutrition, if you’re running for up to an hour, a good balanced diet should supply everything you need to power your efforts. But the moment you push beyond...
Post-Workout Recovery With Vegan Protein Done Right

Post-Workout Recovery With Vegan Protein Done Right

Plants provide plenty of protein for your body to fuel your post-exercise recovery. Discover the best vegan protein sources for you to try!
Exercising with DOMS

Should You Be Exercising With DOMS?

You’ve worked extra hard on the turbo trainer, really pushed it on those hill sprints or tried a new strength training routine at the gym, and in the days following, everything hurts. Welcome to the...
An image of a man trail running

The Ultimate Guide to Completing an Ultra Marathon

Our blog dives deep into everything you need to know about ultra marathons—from training strategies and nutrition tips to gear essentials and race day tactics.
Running recovery

8 Running Recovery Tips to Help You Recover Quickly

Our rapid guide to running recovery has all the running recovery tips you need to help you bounce back faster and stronger. And hopefully keep you off the physio’s table.
Veloforte ambassador in running belt

6 Best Running Gel Belts in 2022

Whether you’re training or racing, the moment your runs start ticking above the 90 minute mark, you need a way to top up your energy levels. Energy gels are a popular choice for bringing a...
 Hypotonic vs Hypertonic vs Isotonic

Hypotonic vs Hypertonic vs Isotonic: What’s the Difference?

What do hypotonic, hypertonic and isotonic drinks really mean and when is the best time to consume which sports drink for optimum performance? Hear's all you need to know
running in the mountains

Long Distance Running: Tips and Training Guide

Training for Long Distance Running Long distance running requires a specific training regimen to build endurance and prevent injury. Whether you're training for a marathon or just want to improve your long distance running abilities,...