What to Eat After a Run to Fuel Your Recovery

But what’s the best food to eat after a run? Here’s your bulletproof sports nutrition guide to the perfect post-run feed.

What to eat before a run (and what to avoid)

Getting your pre-run fuelling right - what works for one runner might cause cramps in another. Here’s everything you need to know about pre-run nutrition, so you can push for that optimum performance.

Marathon Training: How To Fuel Your Marathon Training and Race Day

Struggling with bonking, or blowing-up, whilst cycling during endurance rides? Find out why synthetic gels and bars are often the root of this sudden loss of energy and how real food prevents this much-dreaded issue -...

Energy Gels for Running: Everything You Need To Know

Running gels are great for long distances but can be an unpleasant experience causing gastric distress for many. Learn the right way to use sports gels for running and get the energy you need, when...

6 problems with traditional energy gels solved

Traditional energy gels have a wide range of undesirable side effects... tummy trouble, artificial taste, gloopy texture – often all three. Forget about them all, here are the biggest problems with traditional energy gels and...

The Ultimate Guide to Energy Chews: Boost Your Performance

Struggling with bonking, or blowing-up, whilst cycling during endurance rides? Find out why synthetic gels and bars are often the root of this sudden loss of energy and how real food prevents this much-dreaded issue -...

Discover the Benefits of Ashwagandha for Men and Women and Why Using a Protein Shake to Get a 500mg Daily Dose is Best

Struggling with bonking, or blowing-up, whilst cycling during endurance rides? Find out why synthetic gels and bars are often the root of this sudden loss of energy and how real food prevents this much-dreaded issue -...

Mastering Your Training Plan: 10 Essential Tips for Success

Struggling with bonking, or blowing-up, whilst cycling during endurance rides? Find out why synthetic gels and bars are often the root of this sudden loss of energy and how real food prevents this much-dreaded issue -...

The Fundamental Role of Consistency in Fitness and Nutrition

Struggling with bonking, or blowing-up, whilst cycling during endurance rides? Find out why synthetic gels and bars are often the root of this sudden loss of energy and how real food prevents this much-dreaded issue -...